The Triangle Fire Memorial
The long-awaited Triangle Fire Memorial to the victims and legacy of the 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire was dedicated October 11, 2023, at the site of the historic fire in New York City.
Watch a video of the dedication ceremony.
The Triangle Fire Memorial tells the story of the fire in the languages spoken by the victims: English, Yiddish and Italian. It is also one of the only memorials in America dedicated to workers.
The lower portion of the Memorial consists of a textured, stainless steel “ribbon” twelve feet above the sidewalk, on the building’s southern and eastern facades. The names and ages of the 146 victims are cut into this ribbon and mirrored in a dark reflective panel at hip height. As visitors traverse the length of the memorial, the names of the victims overhead appear in the reflective panel, as if written in the sky. Testimonies of survivors and eyewitnesses to the fire are etched as a single line of text along the lower edge of the reflective panel, inviting the visitor to look down into the reflection and discover the names of the victims and their stories.
A second phase of the installation, expected to be completed winter 2023, will expand the steel “ribbon” to the window sill of the 9th floor, where many victims jumped to their deaths. The ribbon will project from the corner of the building, recalling the signs that once hung there as well as mourning ribbons or bunting that are draped on buildings at times of public grief.
We invite you to visit the Triangle Fire Memorial, in lower Manhattan, on the very building that housed the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory, at the corner of Greene Street and Washington Place in Greenwich Village (23 Washington Place).
We continue to raise funds to pay for the costs associated with building the Triangle Fire Memorial. Join us and be part of history.
The Memorial Names
The following list of names is an updated version of that which appears on the Kheel Center site Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire victims list. These are the names and ages that are stenciled into the Triangle Fire Memorial. If a name or age has been changed from the Kheel Center site, it was for one or more of the following reasons:
- family members found an error on the Kheel Center site and asked that we correct it for the memorial
- we found an error on the Kheel Center site (i.e., obvious misspelling, name and/or age that differs from the US birth certificate and/or other historical documents, some of which were not available when the Kheel Center list was compiled)
- we recalculated age as of March 25, 1911 (the Kheel Center had determined age by year of birth without regard for day/month)
- the Italian name/age contradicts documentation provided to us by Italian scholar Ester Rizzo Licata, who obtained original birth certificates for Italian Triangle workers from their hometown archives for her book Camicette Bianche.
A few words about the Italian names: We have listed the three Italian sisters who were married by their family names, followed by their married names so they can be grouped together. In cases where Italian names have been Anglicized or incorrectly recorded on the death certificate, we deferred to the Italian birth certificate, as well as US census records and grave markers.
Names and ages of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire victims:
Lizzie Adler, 24
Anna Altman, 16
Vincenza Bellotto, 15
Vincenza Benanti, 23
Yetta Berger, 18
Essie Bernstein, 19
Jacob Bernstein, 38
Morris Bernstein, 19
Gussie Bierman, 22
Abraham Binevitz, 30
Caterina Bona Giannattasio, 22
Rosa Bona Bassino, 33
Rosie Brenman, 23
Sarah Brenman, 17
Ida Brodsky, 15
Sarah Brodsky, 21
Ada Brucks, 18
Laura Brunetti, 18
Josephine Cammarata, 17
Francesca Caputo, 16
Josephine Carlisi, 34
Albina Caruso, 20
Anna Ciminello, 36
Rosina Cirrito, 18
Anna Cohen, 25
Anna Colletti, 36
Sarah Cooper, 16
Michelina Cordiano, 30
Bessie Dashefsky, 25
Josie Del Castillo, 20
Clara Dockman, 19
Kalman Donick, 24
Nettie Driansky, 21
Celia (Civia) Eisenberg, 17
Dora Evens, 18
Rebecca Feibisch, 20
Yetta Fichtenholtz, 18
Daisy Lopez Fitze, 26
Grazia (Maria) Floresta, 30
Max Florin, 23
Concettina Franco, 15
Rose Friedman, 18
Diana Gerjuoy, 18
Masha Gerstein, 17
Celia Gitlin, 17
Esther Goldstein, 20
Lena Goldstein, 22
Mary Goldstein, 18
Yetta Goldstein, 20
Rosa Grasso, 14
Bertha Greb, 25
Rachel Grossman, 18
Mary Herman, 40
Esther Hochfield, 21
Fannie Hollander, 18
Pauline Horowitz, 19
Ida Jukofsky, 19
Ida Kanowitz, 18
Tessie Kaplan, 18
Beckie Kessler, 19
Jacob Klein, 23
Beckie Koppelman, 16
Bertha Kula, 19
Tillie Kupferschmidt, 16
Benjamin Kurtz, 19
Marianna (Annie) L’Abbate, 16
Fannie Lansner, 21
Jennie Lederman, 21
Max Lehrer, 18
Sam Lehrer, 19
Kate Leone, 14
Mary Leventhal, 22
Jennie Levin, 19
Pauline Levine, 19
Nettie Liebowitz, 25
Rose Liermark, 19
Bettina Maiale, 18
Francesca Maiale, 19
Caterina Maltese, 39
Lucia Maltese, 20
Rosarea Maltese, 14
Rose Mankofsky, 22
Rose Mehl, 15
Yetta Meyers, 19
Gaetana Midolo, 15
Annie Miller, 16
Maria Miraglia, 30
Beckie Neubauer, 19
Annie Nicholas, 18
Michelina Nicolosi, 23
Sadie Nussbaum, 18
Julia Oberstein, 19
Rose Oringer, 19
Beckie Ostrovsky, 20
Annie Pack, 18
Provvidenza Panno, 42
Anna Pasqualicchio Ardito, 28
Antonietta Pasqualicchio, 15
Ida Pearl, 20
Jennie Pildescu, 18
Vincenza Pinello, 30
Emilia Prato, 21
Concetta Prestifilippo, 22
Beckie Reines, 18
Fannie Rosen, 21
Israel Rosen, 17
Julia Rosen, 35
Louis (Loeb) Rosen, 33
Yetta Rosenbaum, 22
Jennie Rosenberg, 21
Gussie Rosenfeld, 22
Emma Rothstein, 22
Theodore Rotner, 22
Sarah Sabasowitz, 17
Santina Salemi, 24
Serafina Saracino, 25
Teresina Saracino, 27
Gussie Schiffman, 18
Theresa Schmidt, 32
Ethel Schneider, 20
Velye Schochet, 21
Golda Schpunt, 19
Margaret Schwartz, 24
Jacob Seltzer, 33
Rosie Shapiro, 17
Ben Sklover, 25
Rose Sorkin, 18
Annie Starr, 30
Jennie Stein, 18
Giovanna Stellino, 17
Jennie Stiglitz, 22
Sam Taback, 20
Clotilde Terranova, 23
Isabella Tortorelli, 17
Maria Giuseppa Tortorelli
Lauletta, 33
Meyer Utal, 23
Catherine Uzzo, 22
Frieda Velakofsky, 20
Bessie Viviano, 15
Rosie Weiner, 23
Sarah Weintraub, 17
Tessie Wiesner, 21
Dora Welfowitz, 21
Bertha Wendroff, 18
Joseph Wilson, 22
Sonia Wisotsky, 17